Home | *CaRlOs* | *HuGo* | *sAbAsTiAn* | !*HeRmAn*! | *EsCaLeS* | *PoSiEdOn* | !*cLiCk HeRe tO lEavE sOmEtHiNg In HeRmAn*!


hair: ananas!
clothes: what clothes?!
nails: aliens
toe nails: porcupines!
feeling: sick....too many coconuts
thinking: Nattie is a porcupine!
talking to: ME (natalie)
listening to: whatever


color(s):black blue pink and white
food: hot tamales...or taco johns i dunno
songs: straw dog by something corperate..i hate everything about you by three days grace..
favorite bands:  Silverchair, something corperate, Nirvana, Eve 6, three days grace